OT Image in page allows you to share your articles and your images to social network with just clicks. You can change the size of the image without losing quality and show it on article immediately.
[FREE Plugin] OT Image in Page is FREE Joomla! Plugin, which allows you to share your article to Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and more social network. At each picture, it adds social area with Facebook like button.
Also, if you mouse over the above image, you will notice a nifty “Facebook Like Button” (in the upper-left corner) is now available for you to share the image straight to Facebook. Essentially, this new feature will allow visitors to seamlessly share article (and the accompanying stories) they like if the site they are visiting is powered by OT Image in Page Plugin.
When you click on image, it will open a new gallery as a slideshow and you can view all image easier and it simple to use. You can add image from Joomla! editor with captioni, title ...

Easily install and customize
You will be ready to use OT image in page within clicks. All parameters can be configured with ease in the simple panel. No coding skill required.
Resize images and show it on article
You can change the size of image without losing quality and show it on article immediately

Add goolge ads to slideshow
Good news for Adsense publishers: you are available to display Goolge ads to slideshow. It helps you increase the chance to make money from your site. .
Enable/Disable the social networks you would like to show
On each picture, OT Image in Page adds social area with Facebook LIKE button and other social sharing buttons. You have the complete control on all social networks available.

Facebook, Twitter and Google+ for your users to share
OT Image in page will generate the specific individual links for each social channel for your users to share.
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