Benefits and Best Practices for Facebook Dynamic Product Ads

Facebook DPA’s Benefits

  • Tailored Ads

 Facebook Dynamic Product Ads are populated based on continual analysis of the individual’s data profile, showing products that they have viewed or other related items. By making the adverts far more relevant, shoppers are not only to click but also to convert.

  • Highlight items on your site

 Since it works at a product level, this form of advert drives social traffic to your product pages, instead of other areas of your site. This means that it attracts customers who are geared more towards purchasing, rather than simply engaged with the idea of your brand.

  • Ads automatically updated in real-time

 Requiring an only initial setup, Facebook DPA evolves as your knowledge of the individual does – as opposed to standard ads that require constant updating and can quickly be outdated. Depending on the technology you use to achieve it may reflect changes in your store automatically so that products that are out of stock are never promoted.

  • Show Facebook ads Cross-device

 People often don’t follow a linear buying journey, instead, the busy lives see them shopping across multiple channels and devices, meaning you must take a customer-centric approach, keeping the experience consistent wherever your shoppers are. Facebook DPA collects information from all touchpoints, targeting customers with the same items despite what they browse.


Best Practices for Facebook DPA

  • Keep your product feed updated

 A product feed is a list of your products that includes title, link, description, etc. You must have a consistently updated product feed that contains only available products on your site. By having feed rules in place for products explicitly listed as “in stock” you’ll avoid wasting budget advertising sold-out products. And most importantly, you won’t send eager consumers to a page saying “out of stock” and potentially lose them for good.

  • Stay on brand

 Persistent with your brand guidelines for DPA helps customers easily notice the ad as yours and implies the ad is credible. Keep the copy and creativity in your ads relevant to your target audience, your image/video content/messaging should speak to your audiences and adjust if they change.

  • Create a simple and memorable ad copy

 Digital ads don’t stay in front of eyes for long (about five seconds on average and less than that for Stories ads). You don’t have much time, not to mention the space, for a lot of words. Ad copy needs to follow the “four C’s rule” - be catchy, conversational, concise, and a call-to-action (CTA). The rule of thumb for any Facebook ad unit is that copy should never take up more than 20% of that ad. Be quick, simple, and quirky with your copy whenever possible.

  • List a price and link to your items

 Studies have shown that ads that listed the price alongside, receive more clicks. If your items are on sale, include a sale price in your product feed. However, the exception applies when you have pricey items in your feed (like a $2000 Chanel bag you might now want to show it). Ultimately, a steady user flow from ad click to the landing page is important so ensure to link directly from the ad to your products in mobile app or website page. This can raise sales and conversions.

DPA has quickly become our travel and e-commerce customers’ essential tools for retargeting on Facebook. Strong performance results have been a clear indication of Facebook ads’ power to convert website visitors to actual buyers or to increase the lifetime value of existing customers.

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