Omega - Order Tracking Dashboard

Order Tracking App - Dashboard

The Dashboard tab displays the following information: 


1. Shipment over-time report

Shipment Report

  • Total Shipment: Number of orders you have shipped. You also can view your total shipments increased/decreased compared to the last month under the total shipment numbers.
  • Total Delivered: Number of orders delivered successfully. You also can view your total delivered shipments increased/decreased compared to the last month under the total delivered's number.
  • Pressing Orders: Number of orders might need your extra attention (incl. failed attempt, exception, expired)

You can select the date range from the list on the right side. 

Shipment over time chart

  • Display the shipment performance in a period of time based on different tracking statuses.
  • Each color represents different tracking status
  • Export the statistics SVG/PNG/CSV if needed



Click "Details" will lead you to Shipment tab

2. Get old orders

If you want to process your previous orders, please click on Get old order button. You only can process the old orders in the last 60 days at maximum

 3. Additional info 

  • Orders that have recently been updated (Shipment)
  • Number of notifications you have sent (Notifications)
  • Number of monthly shipment quota usage: We will count orders placed on Shopify and tracked successfully by our app in the month.



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